SOUTH BAY DIGS | Digital Edition Online

November 4, 2022

DIGS is the premiere luxury real estate lifestyle magazine serving the most affluent neighborhoods in the South Bay and Westside of Los Angeles, California.

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Integrity . Experience . Enthusiasm 28852 Crestridge RPV | $3,250,000 25 Coveview RPV | $3,000,000 2747 Vista Mesa RPV | $1,949,000 7008 Willowtree RPV | $1,499,000 Huge view | 4 bds • 3 baths • 2516 sf | 4-car garage | solar 3 bds • 2 baths • 1716 sf | large country kitchen, central A/C, vaulted ceilings, separate office CLOSED CLOSED IN ESCROW IN ESCROW SERVICE TO CLIENTS & COMMUNIT Y SINCE 1980 310.849.1779 Malaga Cove Plaza Palos Verdes Estates Virginia Butler CalBRE #00770290 Les Fishman CalBRE #00816300 CALL US to hear about our coming-soon properties!

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