SOUTH BAY DIGS | Digital Edition Online

November 18, 2022

DIGS is the premiere luxury real estate lifestyle magazine serving the most affluent neighborhoods in the South Bay and Westside of Los Angeles, California.

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C E A N 180 DEGREES OF Crisp, bright and filled with natural light: A Manhattan Beach residence built in 2022—steps from downtown— captures striking bird's eye views of the Pacific Ocean O I N S I D E PAC I F I C B L I S S | R O C K F O R M AT I O N | A G E O M E T R I C M A S T E R P I E C E FI N D YOU R PL ACE NOVEMBER 18, 2022 DIGS.NET P R E S E N T E D B Y M I K E PEN N I N GS O F RE /MA X ESTATE PRO PERTI ES F E A T U R E O N P A G E 6 2

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